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Why use EFT ?

It is a simple and efficient technique that can be used to :

  • reduce stress and promote general relaxation,
  • remove certain blockages, overcome your limiting beliefs and open yourself up to a wider perspective,
  • free yourself from certain uncomfortable, painful or negative emotions such as sadness, anger, guilt, frustration…,
  • increase your self-esteem, have clearer thoughts, a feeling of inner peace,

"Emotions are the reactions of our body to our thoughts."

~Eckhart Tolle

How Does EFT works?

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique.

EFT is a personal development method involving the body and mind.

According to Gary Craig (the founder of EFT), the cause of all negative emotions is due to a disruption in the body’s energy system.

EFT combines light touch with mindful verbalization of thoughts and feelings.

EFT consists of tapping, with the combat of the fingers, acupuncture points on the hands, face and chest while focusing on a problem you wish to resolve.

EFT works with the body’s subtle energy system – a network of energy channels called meridians in traditional Chinese medicine.

EFT has been called the psychological version of acupuncture because the simple act of tapping certain acupuncture points while focusing on an emotional problem has the effect of releasing energy from uncomfortable emotions.

EFT helps us to welcome our emotions, their intensity, in order to better release them. Using this technique allows us to become more aware of our limiting beliefs and unmet needs behind emotional experiences. Physical symptoms (headaches, back pain, stomach knots…) that are often related to our experiences often disappear with the change of perspective.

Learn more about EFT at https://eftinternational.org/

What My Clients Are Saying about EFT…

I had already practiced EFT but never individually. The sessions with Laurence allowed me to remove blocks, it was powerful…it allowed me to calm down on subjects that were very heavy for me, that I had never gone back to. Laurence by her gentleness and her way of doing things which remains very attentive to the person that we are and our expectations as well. She allowed me to go further, much further than I would have thought and today it is a huge weight that I no longer carry. She has helped me through some very difficult times in my life and I am very grateful for that. She brought me comfort, love and gentleness. I can only recommend Laurence to you.


I discovered EFT by chance and I was able to deepen this practice with Laurence. Laurence was a very good listener, she noted my words and my feelings about this problem. My body reacted, I felt well-being in my body before my mind. The very next day I took action…I couldn’t believe it! I took action! The 2nd session only confirmed my feelings from the 1st session, and I highly recommend EFT! It’s really great, with Laurence you will experience a real exchange, it’s only happiness, don’t hesitate. It did me a lot of good and I still use the technique every day.



  • During the EFT session, the more precise we are, the more powerful the technique is. Together we will work on a limiting belief, a problem that bothers you , an event, recurring situations, emotions …
  • EFT is a fast technique. After depending on the extent of your problem, it can take anywhere from 1 session to months of sessions to help you free yourself from those negative emotions. You are the only one in charge and will decide what is right for you.

EFT prices :

1 hour EFT = 67 euros

45 min EFT (only for children ,teenagers, or if first time on demand) = 47 euros

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