NATUROPATHY/Health coaching 1:1

Why should I choose Naturopathy and Health Coaching?

If you are looking for a holistic and natural approach, Naturopathy could be a good solution for you if…

  • You know that some members of your family suffer from a chronic pathology (diabetes, cholesterol, obesity, thyroid problems…) and you would like to prevent them from developing this disease,


  • You are in a transitional phase in your life and would like to be accompanied in the best possible way (preparation for pregnancy, pregnancy, postpartum, menopause, expatriation…),

  • You are being treated for a chronic pathology and would like to find natural techniques to accompany your medical treatment,


  • You have experienced burn-out or are very stressed and would like to take care of yourself to prevent burn-out and rebuild yourself gently,


  • You know that your lifestyle may put you at risk of future disease and you want to take action to prevent it,


  • You want to grow old in good health and keep your body and mind in balance…

Naturopathy and health coaching could be a good solution for you.

I work as a naturopath counselor and health coach (a link to complete article to explain you)

Let me explain a little more about what you might expect.

What does a NATUROPATHIC counselor do?

Naturopathy uses natural methods such as nutrition, micronutrition, phytotherapy, aromatherapy, meditation, sophrology, life hygiene… and tries to find the root of your problem to help you live your best healthy life.

Naturopathic counsellors don’t diagnose or treat, but focus on the causes of illness or health prevention, and help to restore or maintain good health.


And what does a HEALTH COACH do?

A health coach motivates you and guide you by helping you to reach your goal, using small steps.

A health coach is someone who adapts to your lifestyle, your desires and allows you to progress at your own pace.

I accompany people on their journey to a healthy life, helping them to find a nutritional balance and a lifestyle adapted to their rhythm, without neglecting the psycho-emotional part. I combine naturopathy and health coaching for a smooth and lasting transition, all using natural methods.

I specialized  in expatriates/nomads all over the world…

I want to give you the tools to make you independent so that when you come to see me, your whole family and loved ones will benefit.

I have been living in Asia for 15 years and I know the challenges of living abroad, away from your family. The nutritional challenges of arriving in a new country. Finding your place in a new environment, sometimes a new job…

Each family is different and has its own difficulties as each family member has their own personality, feelings…

Living in Asia, I have  chosen to consult online to be able to accompany people who live worldwide, or are traveling, as I perfectly know the constraints, risks but also assets of a life abroad or nomadic





 1st consultation (90 min) included a full health interview and vitality check-up  + 2 follow up consultation (3*30/45 min) to adjust (can be included EFT session) 

  • A detailed health assessment focusing on your diet and lifestyle and a personalized, unique conclusion with advice (diet, lifestyle, emotional balance) according to your needs by email within 48 hours. (PS : I need between 1h30 and 2 hours to write your personalized plan.
  • Plus follow up emails available within 1 month after the last appointment

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